Anti-Fraud Measures Plan

The Board of Directors of Aguas Municipalizadas de Alicante E.M, held on March 15, 2024, has approved the "Anti-Fraud Measures Plan" as a mandatory measure for the execution of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (RTRP) "Next Generation" of the European Union.

In order to comply with the obligations established in Article 22 of EU Regulation 2021/241, of February 12, which establishes the recovery and resilience mechanism, and Article 6 of Order HFP 1030/2021, of September 29, Aguas Municipalizadas de Alicante creates this Anti-Fraud Measures Plan as a strategic approach to protect the financial interests of the European Union and ensure the proper use of the funds through which the aforementioned RTRP is financed.

The Plan contemplates the creation of a Fraud Risk Assessment Commission, a procedure for controlling potential conflicts of interest and managing fraud cases, the development of an ethical code of conduct for staff, and a Declaration of Absence of Conflict of Interest (DACI) for personnel participating in the management of the Recovery Plan.

Consequently, the present Anti-Fraud Measures Plan (AFMP) aims to reduce the occurrence of both internal and external fraud linked to the subprojects and actions developed within the framework of the recovery, transformation, and resilience plan.

The complete document can be consulted at the following link:


Institutional Declaration

Anti-Fraud Measures Plan