The organisation's greatest asset are its employees. Equality, diversity and work-life balance are values that form part of Aguas de Alicante's corporate culture.
Significant milestones in equality:
2011Signing of the first Equality Plan 2012Signing of the Harassment Prevention Protocol 2013Awarding of the “Equality in the Company” seal by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality. Aguas de Alicante was the first company in the province to obtain this prized seal.
2014In the same year, an agreement was signed with the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality to promote women to positions of responsibility and to commit to ensuring equal employment opportunities and a work-life balance.
In December 2019 a new agreement was signed with a new temporary validity of 4 years
2015Signing of the second Equality Plan. In July 2015, Aguas de Alicante signed its second Equality Plan, which will be valid for four years. The aim is to ensure the promotion of real, effective equality between women and men in Aguas de Alicante and avoid any kind of job discrimination. The plan is part of the company's commitment to diversity and is based on five key areas:
- Equality between women and men.
- Access to jobs and hiring of young and disadvantaged people.
- Hiring of people with disabilities.
- Job opportunities and professional careers for people aged over 50.
- Work-life balance.
2016“Equality 2016” award from the University of Alicante 2017Family-responsible company (EFR) certification obtained. EFR (family-responsible company ) certification was awarded by the Másfamilia Foundation for a model that promotes advances in the work-life balance, audited by the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR).
Participation in a project to introduce anonymous CVs. The Company signed an agreement with the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality to participate in a pilot project on introduction of the anonymous CV. The aim is to promote the implementation of depersonalised recruitment processes, to avoid potential gender bias. The commitment applies to the following job positions:
- Interns who are on university or professional training placements.
- Technical staff in the following departments: Technical and Operations, IT Systems, and Towns.
Approval of the second Harassment Prevention Protocol and creation of a catalogue to facilitate dissemination of the protocol to staff.
2018Obtained the seal 'Fent Empresa. Iguals en Oportunitats', from the Regional Government of Valencia. This seal was given to Aguas de Alicante in recognition of its work to promote equal opportunities between women and men through the introduction of its second Equality Plan.
Obtained the seal granted at the corporate level by the Ministry for being part of the Business Network against Gender Violence.
2020Signing of the Third Equality Plan. In the month of November 2020 Aguas de Alicante signs its III Equality Plan, with a temporary validity of four years. The Plan is made up of 45 measures aimed at removing the obstacles that prevent or hinder effective equality between women and men. 2022Signing of the Fourth Equality Plan -
Aguas de Alicante contributes to improving young people's training through in-company placement agreements with universities and official training centres. This facilitates the young people's transition to the job market.
The company continues to implement the policies that led to the award in 2015 of the Bequal seal of excellence for commitment to social corporate responsibility and disability.
All staff have received training on diversity. Notable training activities included in the training plans address the following: equal opportunities between men and women, work-life balance, prevention of harassment, empowerment of women, use of neutral language and diversity.
The Equity department gives courses and conferences in associations or forums on equality, work-life balance and diversity. In addition, channels for discussion are kept open with public bodies and administrations involved in these issues. The company contributes to raising awareness by promoting the celebration of special dates: International Women's Day, Equal Pay Day, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, etc.
Work-life balance
Aguas de Alicante obtained EFR certification in 2017 from the Másfamilia Foundation. The model enables progress to be made in work-life balance.
A catalogue is being created and distributed to staff that describes the 47 work-life balance measures that have been implemented in the following areas: job quality, flexible working hours, support for the family, personal and professional development, equal opportunities, leadership and management styles.
The Welcome Handbook for staff and the equality section on the intranet describe the advantages of work-life balance for the company and employees.
Advantages for the company Advantages for staff Improves the work climate Greater levels of satisfaction with work Greater commitment to the company Time to focus more on life outside work Greater productivity Reduction in stress and work conflicts Reduction in absenteeism Better self-esteem, health, concentration and confidence Social corporate responsibility Greater efficiency as work problems are not taken home and vice versa